
Amaka AraCapital investment

100% Precise Accounting Integrations.

Currently Saving 1,000s of hours for over 65,000+ small businesses globally.

Automate with unbeatable precision.

Stop doing it manually! Embrace streamlined efficiency with accounting integrations that perfectly reconcile in your books. AraCapital investment

Creating digital visibility for physical retail. Optimising in-person retail experiences with spatial AI. Integrating AI with real-time video, helps retailers understand how customers experience their spaces. Make data-driven decisions to increase sales, reduce theft and optimise customer experiences.


BTX Racing AraCapital

BTX is at the forefront of technological innovation, dedicated to transforming the equine industry with cutting-edge blockchain solutions.


Hustle Coverhero AraCapital investment

You love your hustle, and you’re damn good at it…
But what would you do if something unexpected happens?
What if you have an accident or a health issue and you can’t work?

If that was to happen to you, the bills would pile up quickly. Your business could suffer severe damage as well. And even worse – all your hard work and effort would go down the drain! We got it covered with Hustlecover.